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Department of Cultural Studies
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Prof. Dr. Vanessa Agnew

Curriculum Vitae

2018    BSc (Hons, First Class), Natural Sciences, The Open University

1998    PhD, European Studies, The University of Wales

1991     MA, German, New York University

1987    BMus, Cello and German, The University of Queensland

Cultural Studies Faculty, Technische Universität Dortmund / Außerplanmäßige Professur, Universität Duisburg-Essen (August 2023–present)

Honorary Professor, Research School of Humanities and the Arts, Australian National University (March 2022–present)

2018–2023       Außerplanmäßige Professur, Anglophone Studies, Universität Duisburg-Essen

2019–2021        Senior Fellow, Research School of Humanities and the Arts, Australian National University

2014–2018        Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Anglophone Studies, Universität Duisburg-Essen

2008–2013       Associate Professor, Department of German, Dutch, and Scandinavian Studies, University of Michigan

2001–2008       Assistant Professor, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan

1998–1999       Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan


Reenactment Case Studies: Global Perspectives on Experiential History, co-edited with Juliane Tomann, and Sabine Stach (London: Routledge, 2023)

Refugee Routes, co-edited with Kader Konuk and Jane O. Newman (Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2020)

Reenactment Studies Handbook: Key Terms in the Field, co-edited with Jonathan Lamb and Juliane Tomann (London: Routledge, 2020)

Settler and Creole Reenactment, ed. Vanessa Agnew and Jonathan Lamb (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)

Enlightenment Orpheus: The Power of Music in Other Worlds (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008); Winner 2009 Oscar Kenshur Prize for Eighteenth-Century Studies; winner 2009 American Musicological Society’s Lewis Lockwood Award

Chinese translation of Enlightenment Orpheus: The Power of Music in Other Worlds, trans. Hongjie Sun (Chongqing: Chongqing Southwest China Normal University Press, expected pub. 2024)

Rethinking History 11, no. 3 (2007); editor of special issue on historical reenactment

Criticism 46, no. 3 (Summer 2004); co-editor with Jonathan Lamb, special issue on historical reenactment


“Global Reenactment, Local Practices? (with Juliane Tomann and Sabine Stach), Reenactment Case Studies: Global Perspectives on Experiential History, co-edited with Juliane Tomann and Sabine Stach (London: Routledge, 2023), pp. 1–14.

“What is the Task of Reenactment Studies?” Historical Reenactment: New ways of experiencing history, ed. Mario Carretero, E. Manjarrez, Brady Wagoner, and Everard Perez-Manjarrez (New York: Berghahn, 2022), pp. 163–169.

“Lines of Sight: The Historical Certitude of Digital Reenactment,” Historical Understanding: Past, Present and Future, ed. Zoltán Simon and Lars Deile (London: Bloomsbury, 2022), pp. 262–271.

“Refugee Routes: Introduction,” Refugee Routes, ed. Vanessa Agnew, Kader Konuk, and Jane O. Newman (Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2020), pp. 13–26.

“Right to Arrive: Topographies of Genocide, Flight, and Hospitality—Then and Now” (with Egemen Özbek), Refugee Routes, ed. Vanessa Agnew, Kader Konuk, and Jane O. Newman (Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2020), pp. 45–82.

“The Difficulties of Witnessing: Armin T. Wegner’s Lantern Slide Show on the Armenian Genocide” (with Kader Konuk), The Magic Lantern at Work around the World: Connecting, Experiencing, Witnessing and Persuading, ed. Martyn Jolly and Elisa de Courcy (London, Routledge, 2020), pp. 176–194.

“Songs of Flight: War and Genocide Reenactment on the Refugee Route,” Performing Commemoration: Musical Reenactment and the Politics of Trauma, ed. Annegret Fauser and Michael Figueroa (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2020), pp. 170–199. (Nominated for American Musicological Society’s H. Colin Slim Award)

“Introduction” (with Juliane Tomann and Jonathan Lamb) in Reenactment Studies Handbook: Key Terms in the Field, co-edited with Jonathan Lamb and Juliane Tomann (London: Routledge, 2020), pp. 1–10.

“Suffering,” Reenactment Studies Handbook: Key Terms in the Field, co-edited with Jonathan Lamb and Juliane Tomann (London: Routledge, 2020), pp. 213–218.

“Dark Tourism,” Reenactment Studies Handbook: Key Terms in the Field, co-edited with Jonathan Lamb and Juliane Tomann (London: Routledge, 2020), pp. 44–48.

“Authenticity” (with Juliane Tomann), Reenactment Studies Handbook: Key Terms in the Field, co-edited with Jonathan Lamb and Juliane Tomann (London: Routledge, 2020), pp. 20–24.

“Gooseflesh: Somatosensory Experience and the Making of Affective Knowledge,” Varieties of Historical Experience, ed. Stephan Palmié and Charles Stewart (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019), pp. 71–88.

“Paleo Dreams: Journeying Back in Time Through the Uckermark and Western Pomerania,” The Companion to Public History, ed. David Dean (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2018).

“William Shield (1748–1829), ed. Robert Hoskins, Orchestrated by David Vine, Ode to Captain Cook, from Omai, or, A Trip Round the World, Hong Kong: Artaria, 2014, pp. [ix] + [135], ISBN 1 877369 80 2,” Eighteenth-Century Music, vol. 13, no. 2 (2016), 1–3.

“Encounter Music in Oceania: Cross-Cultural Musical Exchange in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Voyage Accounts,” in The Cambridge History of World Music, ed. Philip V. Bohlman (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 183–201.

“Songs from the Edge of the World,” Enlightenment World, ed. Alexander Cook, Ned Curtoys, and Shino Konishi (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013), 79–93.

“Hearing Things: What the Traveler Heard and Didn’t Hear on the Grand Tour,” Cultural Studies Review, special issue “On Noise,” vol. 18, no. 3 (2012): 67–84.

“History’s Pure Serene: On Reenacting Cook’s First Voyage,” in Staging the Past: Themed Environments in Transcultural Perspectives, ed. Judith Schlehe, Michiko Uike, Carolyn Oesterle, and Wolfgang Hochbruck (Bielefeld: transcript, 2010), 205–218.

Review of Matthew Gelbart, The Invention of “Folk Music” and “Art Music”: Emerging Categories from Ossian to Wagner. New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism Series (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007) in Journal of the American Musicological Society 63, no. 1 (Spring 2010): 155–59.

 “Editorial,” Eighteenth-Century Music 6, no. 2 (2009): 159–160.

“Genealogies of Space in Colonial and Postcolonial Reenactment,” Settler and Creole Reenactment, ed. Vanessa Agnew and Jonathan Lamb (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), 294–318.

“Listening to Others: Eighteenth-Century Encounters in Polynesia and Their Reception in German Musical Thought,” Special issue on the Pacific, Eighteenth-Century Studies 41, no. 2 (2008): 165–188.

Review of Amy C. Beal, New Music, New Allies: American Experimental Music in West Germany from the Zero Hour to Reunification (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006) and Brian Currid, A National Acoustics: Music and Mass Publicity in Weimar and Nazi Germany (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006) in Germanic Review 83, no. 1 (2008): 69–80.

“Begegnungen in der Südsee des 18. Jahrhunderts und die Bildung eines deutschen musikalischen Kanons,” Europäische Aufklärung zwischen Nationalkultur und Universalismus, ed. Brunhilde Wehinger (Hanover: Wehrhahn, 2007), 117–129.

“History’s Affective Turn: Historical Reenactment and Its Work in the Present,” Rethinking History 11, no. 3 (2007): 299–312. (One of Rethinking History’s top downloads; most cited entry on historical reenactment on Google Scholar; 424 citations)

“The Colonialist Beginnings of Comparative Musicology,” Germany’s Colonial Pasts: An Anthology in Memory of Susanne Zantop, ed. Eric Ames, Marcia Klotz, and Lora Wildenthal (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2005), 41–60.

“Introduction: What is Reenactment?” Criticism 46, no. 3 (Summer 2004): 327–339. Special issue on historical reenactment, co-ed. Vanessa Agnew and Jonathan Lamb. (2nd most cited entry on historical reenactment on Google Scholar; 389 citations)

“Exchange Strategies in Cook’s Second Voyage,” Cross-Cultural Encounters and Constructions of Knowledge in the 18th and 19th Centuries: Non-European and European Travel Exploration in Comparative Perspective. Interkulturelle Begegnungen und Wissenskonstruktionen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Außereuropäische und europäische Forschungsreisen im Vergleich, ed. Philippe Despoix, Justus Fetscher, and Michael Lackner (Kassel: Kassel University Press, 2004), 163–196.

“Pacific Island Encounters and the German Invention of Race,” Islands in History and Representation, ed. Rod Edmond and Vanessa Smith (London: Routledge, 2003), 81–94.

‘“Scots Orpheus’ in the South Seas, Or, the Use of Music on Cook’s Second Voyage,” Journal for Maritime Research (May 2001): 1–25.

“Ethnographic Transgressions and Confessions in Georg Forster’s ‘Voyage Round the World,’” Schwellen: Germanistische Erkundungen einer Metapher, ed. Nicholas Saul, Daniel Steuer, Frank Möbus, and Birgit Illner (Würzberg: Königshausen and Neumann, 1999), 304–315.

“Dissecting the Cannibal: Comparing the Function of the Autopsy Principle in the Diaries and Narratives of Cook’s Second Voyage,” Marginal Voices/Marginal Forms: Diaries in European History and Literature, ed. Rachel Langford and Russell West (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1999), 50–60.

Book Projects

What We Brought with Us: Things of Exile and Migration (photography Jobst von Kunowski) (Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, under contract)

Articles and Essays

"Lists of Things", What We Brought with Us: Things of Exile and Migration (photography Jobst von Kunowski) (Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, under contract)

"The Ogee of Olympic Weightlifting" (in progress)

"The Perpetual Journeys of Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz," Injustice, Survival, Memory in Twentieth-Century Australia (provisional title), ed. Seumas Spark, for submission to Cambridge University Press (in progress)

What We Brought with Us, co-curated by Annika Roux, photography by Jobst von Kunowski, UA Ruhr Artwalk, “Art as a catalyst of global understanding”. Available at

What We Brought with Us, co-curated by Annika Roux, photography by Jobst von Kunowski, Philip M. Meyers Jr. Memorial Gallery, University of Cincinnati, 5 September–22 November 2023

What We Brought with Us, co-curated by Annika Roux, photography by Jobst von Kunowski, Goethe-Institut New York, 18 October–15 November 2023

Fixing What’s Broken, co-curated by Çagan Duran and Andrea Ries, Academy in Exile Artist-in-Residence Program, Apartment Project Berlin, 14–21 January 2023

What We Brought with Us, co-curated by Annika Roux, photography by Jobst von Kunowski, National Literaturarchiv Marbach, 25 October–30 November 2022

What We Brought with Us, co-curated by Annika Roux, photography by Jobst von Kunowski, Re:Writing the Future Festival, Allianz Kulturstiftung, February 2021

Right to Arrive, co-curated by Egemen Özbek, with Annette Lui and Annika Roux, Freie Universität Berlin, Campus Lankwitz, October 2020–23

Right to Arrive, co-curated by Egemen Özbek, with Annette Lui, Prompt Gallery, Australian National University, September 2018

Gunter Schöbel, “Experimental Archeology,” Reenactment Studies Handbook: Key Terms in the Field, co-edited with Jonathan Lamb and Juliane Tomann (London: Routledge, 2020).

Ulrich Renz, Bo and The Blackmailers (Lübeck: Sefa-Verlag, 2015); book translation

Helmig, Martina. Ruth Schonthal: A Composer’s Musical Development in Exile, ed. Adina Mornell (New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006); book translation

“The Bagpipes in the Eighteenth-Century Pacific,” Piping Today 11 (2004): 20–22.

“Cook and Music,” Cook Encyclopaedia, ed. John Robson (London: Chatham, 2004), 153–154.

“Omai, the Pantomime” and “Cross-Cultural Musical Exchange,” Commissioned for “Pacific Pathways” website of the Forster Collection, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 2003

“What Can Re-enactment Tell Us About the Past?” BBCi History, 2002

Kast, Verena. The Mermaid in the Pond (New York: Continuum, 1999); book translation

Kast, Verena. Fairy Tales for the Psyche (New York: Continuum, 1996); book translation

“Dyke Drama/Lesbian Drama,” The Dramatists’ Guild Quarterly (January 1994)

Kast, Verena. Finding Yourself and Letting Go (New York: Continuum, 1994); book translation

Invited panelist, What We Brought with Us exhibition opening, Objects of Resilience: Exploring the Symbolic Weight of Refugee Things, Goethe-Institut New York, 18 October 2023

Invited panelist, Humanities at Risk, Charles Phelps Taft Research Center, University of Cincinnati, 17 October 2023

Invited participant, Conmociones: Critical Distance and Construction of the Common, CHCI Annual Meeting, Santiago, Chile, 20–24 June 2023

“Lines of Sight: Excursions in Seeing, Feeling, and Knowing”, Keynote Address, Experimental Humanities, ICI Berlin 14 November 2019

“The Future of Reenactment Studies”, Historical Reenactment Seminar, Madrid, 1–3 November 2018

“The Difficulties of Witnessing: Armin T. Wegner’s Shocking Magic Lantern Show”, Keynote Address, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, 4 September 2018

“Songs of Flight,” Public Lecture, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, 22 August 2017

“Earwitness: Sonic Reenactments of the Holocaust,” Keynote Address, Performing Commemoration: Musical Reenactment and the Politics of Trauma, University of North Carolina, Raleigh, 31 March–2 April 2017

“Reenacting Genocide,” Keynote Address, Stepping Back in Time: Living History and Other Performative Approaches to History in Central and South-Eastern Europe, German Historical Institute, Warsaw and Irme Kertész Kolleg, Jena, 23–24 February 2017

“The Right of Arrival,” Invited talk, The Colonial Re-Invention of Anglo-European Literary Culture in the Long Eighteenth Century, Freie Universität Berlin, 9–10 June 2016

“Reenacting Genocide,” Shannon Lecture and Workshop, Carlton Centre for Public History, Department of History, Carlton University, Ottawa, Canada, 12–13 November 2015

“Reenacting Genocide,” Invited lecture, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, 8 October 2015

“Can the Transpacific Be Reenacted?”, Transpacific Workshop, Universität Potsdam, 17 July 2015

“Reenacting the Stone Age: Journeying Back in Time through the Uckermark and Vorpommern,” Measuring the World: Formation, Transformation and Transmission of the ‘National’ and the ‘Universal’ from the Eighteenth Century to the Present, Wisconsin Workshop, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 25–27 September 2014

“Gooseflesh: Somatosensation in the Making of Historical Experience,” The Varieties of Historical Experience, Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society, University of Chicago, 4–5 April 2014

“The Banality of Reenactment: Staging Genocide in Arendt, Oppenheimer and Hotel Modern,” Historical Reenactments: Making the Past Present, British Studies Center, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 11 March 2014

“Mixed Emotion in Early Modern Ethnomusicological Writing,” Keynote Address, Arts and Rhetorics of Emotion in Early Modern Europe, A Collaboratory hosted by the UQ Node, ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, Europe 1100-1800, Brisbane, Australia, 25–27 November 2013

“Global Musical Encounters,” SIAS Summer Institute, Cultural Encounters, Berlin, 7 August 2013

“Listening to Bushmen,” Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 19 February 2013

“Historical Reenactment,” Universität Potsdam, 16 January 2013

“Listening to Bushmen,” Wissenschaftlicher Kontrapunkt/Intellectual Counterpoint: Symposium in Honor of Bruno Nettl, Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv, Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, 16 December 2012

“Berlin Around 100 Years Later,” DAAD lecture, Cologne, 19 October 2012

“Indigenous Music and Eighteenth-Century Colonial Practice in Southern Africa,” The Journey of Music(s) Symposium, 15. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung, Universität Göttingen, 7 September 2012

“Europeans Listening to African Music in the Eighteenth Century,” The Art of Listening: Trends und Perspektiven einer Geschichte des Musikhörens, Radialsystem V/Universität Potsdam, 13 July 2012

“Music and the Grand Tour,” Keynote Address, Grand Tour Symposium, Music Department, University of Virginia, 14 October 2011

“Other Cultures, Other Times: Traveling into the Musical Past,” On Noise Symposium, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, 24 June 2011

“Reenacting the Colonial Past,” Public Lecture, Queensland College of Art, Brisbane, Australia, 23 June 2011

“Songs from the Edge of the World,” Ron Alexander Lecture, Music Department, Stanford University, 24 January 2011

“Songs from the Edge of the World,” Keynote Address, Thinking the Human in the Age of Enlightenment, Australian National University, 7–9 July 2010

“Scientific Inquiry and the Emotional Observer,” Affective Knowledge Workshop, Vanderbilt University, 30 April 2010

“How Feeling Becomes Fact: Science and Emotion in Darwin Docudramas,” History, Emotions, and Visual Media Conference, Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, 21–24 April 2010

“Other Cultures, Other Times: Traveling with James Bruce and Charles Burney into the Musical Past,” Keynote Address, Charles Burney, Musical Travel, and the Idea of Music History, Cornell University, 12–14 March 2010

Oscar Kenshur Prize Speech, Center for Eighteenth-Century Studies at Indiana University, 21 September 2009

“The Spatial Poetics of Postcolonial Reenactment,” Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, 24 July 2009

“Reenacting the German Past,” Institute for the Humanities Brown Bag, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 22 October 2008

“Mein Berlin,” Max Kade House, University of Michigan, 11 September 2008

“Orpheus in the Americas,” Harmony of Two Worlds? Song, Image and Space in the Early Modern Atlantic, School of Music, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 14–15 March 2008

“Begegnungen in der Südsee des 18. Jahrhunderts und die Bildung eines deutschen musikalischen Kanons,” Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar, Humboldt-Universität, 13 November 2007

“Zeitreise als Form von Vergangenheitsbewältigung,” Philosophische Fakultät, Technische Universität, Chemnitz, 12 July 2007

“Orpheusdiskurse im Zeitalter der Aufklärung,” Kanonbildung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung: Protagonisten und Prozesse der Herstellung kultureller Identität, Internationale Tagung am Forschungszentrum Europäische Aufklärung in Kooperation mit der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2 March 2007

“The Limits of Reenactment for Vergangenheitsbewältigung,” Reenactment History and Affective Knowing, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Cambridge University, 20 March 2007

“Music and the Eighteenth-Century Imperial Imaginary,” Eighteenth-Century Studies Group, University of Michigan, 4 December 2006

“Alterity in Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte,” Guest lecture, Race in Music Seminar, University of Michigan, 12 October 2006

“Representing Musical Encounters in the Eighteenth Century,” The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, Université de Montréal, 20 September 2006

“Enlightenment Orpheus,” Manuscript Workshop/German Studies Colloquium, University of Michigan, 14 April 2006

“Re-enacting Orpheus: Music and Missionization in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Polynesia,” Settlers, Creoles, and the Re-enactment of History Conference, Vanderbilt University, 11 November 2005

“Musical Agency in the Eighteenth-Century Pacific and German Constructions of Otherness,” EthNoise! Music Department, University of Chicago, 6 October 2005

“Curative Music,” Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, 19 April 2005

“The Sharp End of German Cosmopolitanism,” Germany Without Borders, Joint Initiative in German and European Studies, University of Toronto, 17 December 2004

“Wonder and Curiosity,” Museum Studies Proseminar, University of Michigan, 2004

“Early Modern German and Austrian Collecting,” Museum Studies Proseminar, University of Michigan, 2003

“The Earwitness and the Eighteenth-Century Travelogue,” The Science and Art of Travel Writing, 1750–1850, Internationales Forschungszentrum für Kulturwissenschaften, Vienna, 13 June 2002

Closing Remarks, “Walter Benjamin’s Lost Opportunity”, Conference on Critical Engagement with the History of Sinti and Roma: Memory, Representation, and Reparations, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen, 9 November 2023

“The Perpetual Journeys of Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz,” Injustice, Survival, Memory: Marking 80 years since the Dunera and Queen Mary internees arrived in Australia, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, 6–8 September 2022

“Blogging the History of Science,” Enriching Scholarship Conference, University of Michigan, 3 May 2011

“Reenacting Colonial and Postcolonial Space,” Staging the Past: Themed Environments in Transcultural Perspectives, 23–25 April 2009, Freiburg

“Transnationalizing German Studies,” Interdisciplinarity in German Studies: Challenges and Opportunities, Modern Languages Association Convention, 27 December 2008, San Francisco

“Towards a Theory of Reenacted Arrival,” Reenacting Arrivals, American Comparative Literature Association Convention, 26 April 2008, San Diego

“Musikalische Räume,” Kulturelle Räume und Lebensstile im 18. Jahrhundert, Universität Potsdam/Forschungszentrum Europäische Aufklärung, 7 December 2007, Potsdam

“Affective History and Its Ethical Dilemmas,” Affective History and Its Ethical Dilemmas, Forschungszentrum Europäische Aufklärung, 30 November 2007, Potsdam

“Music and Transnational Constructions of National Identity,” German Studies Association, 29 September 2006, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

“Curious Music,” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 30 March 2006, Montreal, Canada

“Orphic Discourse: Agency and Alterity in German Writings on Music,” The Musical Eighteenth Century. East-Central American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 21–24 October 2004, Cape May, New Jersey

“Extreme Music History: The Debate over Evidence and Method in Late Eighteenth-Century Music Historiography,” Extreme and Sentimental History, 2 April 2004, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee

“Music, Race, and Colonial Discourse in the German South Seas,” German Studies Association Conference, 18–21 September 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana

“Pacific Island Encounters and the German Invention of Race,” Eighteenth-Century Studies Group, 2003, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

“Pacific Island Encounters and the German Invention of Race,” German Studies Colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

“Music and Missionary Enterprises on the Early Nineteenth-Century Polynesian Frontier,” American Historical Association Conference, 3–6 January 2002, San Francisco, California

“‘A Trip Round the World,’ Or, Music and Late Eighteenth-Century Pacific Exoticism,” David Nichol Smith Conference. Australian National University and The National Library of Australia, 26–28 March 2001, Canberra, ACT

Interview on participation in Civil March for Aleppo, Janusz Ratecki, 13 September 2019

Interview on historical reenactment for Carlton Centre for Public History, Carlton University, 13 November 2015

Interview on historical reenactment for KCUR Kansas City Public Radio’s Up to Date, produced by Stephen Steigman; hosted by Steve Kraske. Aired on 31 October 2007

Interview on historical reenactment for WFUV’s Cityscape Public Affairs, produced by Jody Avirgan; hosted by George Bodarky. Aired on 7 October 2006

Interview for Proposal Two, documentary written and directed by Chase Pearsall and Jose Nevarez, 2004

Consultant participant in 8-part documentary series, The Ship, produced by BBC2 with the History Channel, filmed and directed by Christopher Terrill. Aired on the History Channel in the United States in October 2002

“Tall ships, tall tales capture imaginations,” Eric Sorensen, Seattle Times, Thurs, 15 August 2002

“Journals of Captain Cook Go Online,” Brian Handwerk, National Geographic News, 7 February 2002

Guest speaker on music and seafaring for BBC Radio 4 series, Music Afloat, produced by Clare Csonka. Broadcast in the UK in January 2001

Memory and Commemoration I & II, TU Dortmund and Universität Duisburg-Essen, Advanced-level undergraduate/MA literature seminar, co-developed with Academy in Exile

Refugee Routes I & II, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Advanced-level undergraduate/MA literature seminar, co-developed with Academy in Exile

Nature Writing and Climate Change, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Advanced-level undergraduate/MA literature seminar

Investigating Poverty, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Advanced-level undergraduate/MA literature seminar

Literature of War and Peace, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Advanced-level undergraduate/MA literature seminar

Refugee and Exile Writing, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Advanced-level undergraduate/MA literature seminar

Nature Writing, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Advanced-level undergraduate/MA literature seminar

Walking in the City, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Advanced-level undergraduate/MA literature seminar

Writing Travel, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Advanced-level undergraduate literature seminar

Historical Reenactment, University of Michigan, Advanced-level undergraduate language course

Honors Proseminar, University of Michigan, Year-long honors course

History of German Science, University of Michigan, Advanced-level undergraduate survey course on history of German science ca. 1750 to 1900

Performing Mozart’s Magic Flute, University of Michigan, Advanced-level undergraduate course on performing the opera

Writing German Travel, University of Michigan, Graduate seminar on eighteenth and nineteenth-century German travel writing

German Music and Its Others, University of Michigan, Graduate seminar on eighteenth- to mid-twentieth-century writings about German music

Wunderkammer: Traveling, Collecting, Exhibiting, University of Michigan, Graduate seminar on the history of the museum

Die Dreigroschenoper, University of Michigan, Intermediate-level undergraduate German language course focusing on Brecht and Weill’s opera, with performance component

The Power of Music, University of Michigan, Advanced-level undergraduate course on eighteenth-and nineteenth-century German music based on the Orpheus theme

Arrivals: First Encounters in the Literature, Art, and Music of Travel and Migration, International Women’s University, Hanover, Germany and University of Michigan, advanced undergraduate course on the representation of migrants in various media

Inventing Race, University of Michigan, First-Year seminar on the historical development of the concept of race with texts by Herder, Kant, Sömmering, Blumenbach, Meiners, Linnaeus, Buffon, Forster, Chamisso, Humboldt

Die Zauberflöte, University of Michigan, German language course covering music, historical background, and performance of Mozart’s opera

“Navigating Displacement: Sharing Knowledge and Strategies for Fostering Resilience” expert workshop, Transatlantic Working Group for At-Risk Scholars, DWIH Future Forum 2023 “Resilience”, New York City, 20 October 2023

Advisory Board, International Congress on Historical Reenactment, 14–16 October 2022, Universidad de Zaragoza

Dire Times: Critical Thinking, Then and Now, Academy in Exile, 16–17 January 2020, Freie Universität Berlin

“Refugee Routes,” Seminar, American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, 29 March–1 April 2018, Los Angeles

Refugee Cultural Route Workshop, EU Cultural Routes, 9–12 July 2017, Berlin

Transnational Workshop, May 2013, Berlin

Advisory Board, Ideas of/for Europe, International Congress, 11–13 February 2009, Technische Universität Chemnitz

“The Reenactment of Arrival,” Seminar, American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, 24–27 April 2008, Long Beach

Affective History and Its Ethical Dilemmas Workshop, 30 November 2007, Forschungszentrum Europäische Aufklärung, Potsdam

Extreme and Sentimental History, 2–3 April 2004, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, Co-organized with Jonathan Lamb

Pacific Encounters Workshop, 6 November 2000, Graduiertenkolleg Reiseliteratur und Kulturanthropologie, Universität Paderborn


What We Brought with Us exhibition printing, Funder: Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (May 2023)         

Stipend to attend Conmociones: Critical Distance and Construction of the Common, CHCI Annual Meeting, Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes, Santiago, Chile (May 2023)

Visiting Fellow, Research School of Humanities and the Arts, Australian National University (Spring–Summer 2023)

Visiting Fellow, Research School of Humanities and the Arts, Australian National University (August 2017)

Visiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin (December 2012–April 2013)

Visiting Researcher Award, DAAD (2012 awarded)   

Research Fellowship (renewal), Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin (September 2012–December 2012)

Associate Professor Support Fund, University of Michigan (2012 awarded)

Visiting Fellow, Research School, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia (2011 awarded)

Lewis Lockwood Award for Enlightenment Orpheus, American Musicological Society (2009)

Oscar Kenshur Prize for Enlightenment Orpheus, Center for Eighteenth-Century Studies at Indiana University (2009)

Visiting Fellow, Research School of Humanities, Australian National University (2008; renewed 2009)

Publication Subvention for Enlightenment Orpheus, American Musicological Society (2008)

Dr. Theo and Waltraud Michael Fellowship in Musicology Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar (Musicology Department) at Humboldt-Universität and Forschungszentrum Europäische Aufklärung (Research Center for the European Enlightenment), Potsdam, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (2006 awarded)

Richard H. Popkin Research Travel Fund Award, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (2005)

Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society (2004)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian Research Council, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, Australian National University (2001)