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Department of Cultural Studies
Important Contacts


Do you have a question or need help with a problem? Here are the people you can contact regarding international exchanges, curricular planning, or general complaints.

a man and a woman are sitting at a desk facing each other. On the desk is an open laptop © GaudiLab
Student Advisory | English & American Studies


Dr. Cyprian Piskurek is subject coordinator and academic dean of English and American Studies who is

  • involved in the examination board (Prüfungsangelegenheiten);
  • contact person for the university administration,
  • examination clerk for the subject,
  • communicator for changes, processes & procedures in the general course of studies.

Please check out his website for office hours and announcements.


© keport​/​

TU Dortmund University has a central complaint management system and a corresponding position in all 17 faculties. In Faculty 15, as a multi-subject faculty, there are also complaints managers in the individual teaching units, see under Module Representatives.

The general rule for the majority of all complaints is that they can usually be resolved unbureaucratically with the people involved. Therefore, if you have any problems in a course, please always first contact the lecturer or the relevant module representative.
If the matter has not been resolved in this way, you can contact Cyprian Piskurek as representative of the Complaints Management department in English.


The Student Advisory Service, or student subject counseling, is offered by all professors of English and American studies.

Dr. Maggie Glass is student advisor for English Studies. Part of her job is to advise on the course of studies and give orientation for prospective students. Feel free to contact her via email: beratung-eng.fk15tu-dortmundde.


This is your contact person for the concerns of international students in Faculty 15. Please write an e-mail if you have problems regarding your studies at TU Dortmund University, recognition of equivalent examinations or other questions related to your status.

Sibylle Klemm is also head coordinator of the School Program, which is expecially recommended for incoming exchange students and offers a special occasion to gain some insights outside the campus borders. Ms. Klemm cooperates with teachers from various high schools and elementary schools in Dortmund who welcome native speakers in their classes to enrich the foreign language classroom with authentic conversation. Please check Sibylle Klemm's website for office hours and announcements.



For general information and details regarding planning and carrying out your study abroad, please see the Stay Abroad page.

For further information on Erasmus+, the USA bilateral program, and other matters concerning going abroad, please check our website for Opportunities.

In the following you will find the representatives of the various exchange programs of the chairs for English and American studies.


English & American studies

Sophia Lange (née Möllers) will help you with your application for an Erasmus+ exchange with Athens (GR), Leeds & Worcester (UK).

Dr. Iris-Aya Laemmerhirt and Sen. Prof. Dr. Walter Grünzweig are responsible for the Erasmus+ exchange with Trieste & Rome (Italy), Krakow (Poland), and Riga (Latvia).

If you're planning your stay abroad in Hungary, Prof. Grünzweig is also your academic advisor and interlocutor for Debrecen.

In January 2024, Dr. Sandra Danneil took over the exchange operations with our Turkish partners in Izmir (Ege Üniversitas) and Ankara (Bilkent Üniversitas).

Angewandte Studiengänge

Students from Angewandte Studiengänge will find support for planning their stay abroad with the academic coordinators Dr. Annika Frank and Bernd Essmann. Please check the Angewandte website for more information.


If you are interested in an application in the USA bilateral program, your contact person in American studies is Prof. Dr. Sascha Pöhlmann. 

For further information on the USA program and the internship aborad, please contact Lea Schubert ( from the International Office.

Dr. Richard Bell will offer support if you're planning a stay abroad in Australia, for example, in Melbourne at Swinburne University of Technology or the University of Newcastle.




Dr. Pembe Sahiner is equal opportunities commissioner of Fak. 15 and Hanna Höfer is her deputy. The equal opportunities board of each faculty is responsible to support diversity and other concerns regarding TU Dortmund's gender-sensitive policy.

Please check their websites for office hours and announcements.



BACHELOR | LABG 2009 / 2016

MASTER | LABG 2009 / 2016

// G/SP // GyGe/BK/HRSGe
For more detailled information, please check our website for Modules & Exams.

© DoBuS

Students who face difficulties during their studies because of a health problem, disability or some other physical impairment find support in the "DoBuS: Behinderung und Studium". The DoBuS team gives support in the following areas:

  • restricted or impaired mobility
  • visual impairment/blindness
  • hearing impairment/deafness
  • speech impediemnt (e.g. stuttering)
  • psychological impairment/ mental disorders (e.g. depression, eating disorder)
  • chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes, bowel disease, multiple sclerosis)
  • specific learning disability (e.g. AD(H)D, dyslexia, dyscalculia)
  • autism spectrum disorder/ neurodiversity
  • other impairment or severe illnesses (e.g. cancer)

Based on the specific illness or impairment, your studies might be affected and various questions, individual needs and multiple obstacles might cross the plans of your barrier-free study. Please check the DoBuS website for further information and service or write an e-mail to dobustu-dortmundde