On this website we will provide you with helpful information on how to plan your stay abroad. As a mandatory part of the English and American Studies program, students will have to plan their stay abroad at a certain point of their training for altogether 12 weeks. To plan one or two semester(s) at a university of one of our English-speaking partner universities is only one from a variety of options how students can spend their time abroad. Check out the following options to find the best way for you to improve your foreign language skills and immerse in intercultural experiences.

USA, Europe, and the World
TU Dortmund University maintains a close relationship with its diverse partners in the United States of America. In cooperation with the Referat Internationales, the exchange opportunities with US universities are organized and coordinated by the team of the American Studies Department. Students have the chance to plan their study abroad with us and choose from a list of about 27 academic institutions that participate in the USA bilateral exchange program. Students who apply for one or two semester(s) abroad in one of our partner universities in the US are exempt from paying tuition fees at the host university.
International Office | USA-Programm
As a member of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), TU Dortmund invites students from all faculties to apply for a stay abroad with Study Abroad organization. The overseas exchange program encourages students to spend one or two semesters on a campus in Africa, Europe, Asia, Canada, Oceania or the Middle-East. Students who are doing their stay abroad with ISEP are exempt from paying tuition fees at the host university.
International Office | Übersee Austauschprogramm
Students in English & American Studies have the opportunity to apply for a stay abroad with Erasmus+ and spend their academic exchange at a university of one of our European partners.
International Office | Erasmus+
Students who are interested in collecting practical experiences during their stay abroad will have the opportunity to apply for an internship. An internship in a foreign country is an ideal possibility to further develop your personal and intercultural skills, apply your academic knowledge in a practical environment, and explore new paths for your future career. The Internship Abroad is entirely coordinated by our colleagues from the International Office who are organizing info events, give support to find a placement, offer advisory for grants and funding options, and help you with the application process. Check the website of the Referat Internationales for recent events and opportunities!
International Office | Auslandspraktikum
The Dortmund Doubles program is a unique opportunity for TU students to enhance their intercultural competences when volunteering as student "buddys" for our international incoming students. The Dortmund Doubles is organized by the team of the American Studies and encourages intercultural exchange by pairing Dortmund with international students who have chosen the TU for their study abroad. Check out our website to learn more and how to apply!
And that's all?!
No, of course not! If you are a student in the teacher program (LABG 2009 / LABG 2016) and have individual ideas how to spend your stay abroad, you should contact our team from Sprachpraxis: stayabroad-labg.englisch.fk15tu-dortmundde. They will check whether your plans meet the requirements for an exchange experience in English and American Studies. For further information, check the following website: