Fachschaft Sprachkultur (Angewandte)

As the student council of Applied Studies (Angewandte Literatur-, Kultur- und Sprachwissenschaften), we manage the concerns of our fellow students.
Besides this, we organize parties and many other social events, a study café for the introductory course in literary and cultural studies as well as the orientation week for the new first-semester students every year.
Fachschaft Board (Vorstand)
Chair (Vorsitz): Emily Rose Weidle
Deputy Chair: Laura Sunny Eickelmann
Financial Consultant (Finanzreferentin): Sophia Leithold
Deputy Financial Consultant: Tristan Deutschmann
Treasurer (Kassenwart): Maja Siepmann
Contact Information
You can find us here:
- Instagram: fachschaft.sprachkultur
- E-Mail: fs-sprachkultur.fk15tu-dortmundde
...or in our room: R.3219 (EF50)