Welcome to the landing page for students. Here you can find information and documents regarding current courses, the different LABG study programmes and various documents that (might) prove important for your studies.
Check out the list below for descriptions of what information you will be able to find under the respective pages.
Make sure to regularly check the homepage's news feeds to stay up to date on all current announcements, information on exams and deadlines, as well as up-coming events.
Everything related to the courses currently taking place. This includes the current semester's courses and all the relevant information as well as previous Kommentiertes Vorlesungs Verzeichnisse (KVVs).
If you have any questions regarding the course registration process, check out Course Registration to either find a quick answer to your question or someone to contact.
Course Registration
If you are a LABG student, this is the place where you will find all of the information you might need to know such as your Fächerspezifische Bestimmungen (FSB), Studienbuch, or Modulhandbuch. Additionally, you will be able to find all of the relevent and current information regarding the various module exams, study abroad requirements, information about the Berufsfeldpraktikum or Praxissemester.
For information on studying Journalistik, please visit their website.
For information on the Angewandte Studiengänge, please visit their website.