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Department of Cultural Studies
Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching


If any questions arise regarding your Applied Linguistics/ELT studies, please refer to the FAQs.

In case you have questions that are still unanswered by then, feel free to send us an email:

  • In order to attend the Proseminar (202) or the Hauptseminar (203), you have to have passed the 'Introduction to Teaching English' (201)  (proof: relevant page of your Studienbuch or BOSS entry).
  • We strongly recommend taking your Proseminar (202) before your Hauptseminar (203).
  • There is a mistake in the Studienbuch: It is not obligatory to have passed the Bildungswissenschaften DiF-module before you take your ELT Hauptseminar (203)!
  • You will receive your final module signature from Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich by dropping your Studienbuch off in R 3.326 (Johanna Embacher). Further information can be found in our FAQs.


The informational event for the WiSe 24-25 M8 oral exam took place on January 13, 2025 at 12 pm (online via Zoom).

The slides providing the relevant information can be found here.

Registration for the exam was possible with an online form from January 13 to January 20, 2025.

Oral exam dates WiSe 24-25 (in person!)here

Reading List M8:

  • 8-10 works for each seminar topic
    • one monograph or edited volume each
    • additionally: 7-9 (substantial!) journal articles or book chapters (minimum of 10 pages)
    • Make sure to include both research-based and classroom-based texts.
  • Selection of literature:
    • use the bibliographies provided by your seminars
    • optional: own research
  • The final reading list has to be discussed with both examiners and handed in at least 14 days prior to your exam date. If you miss this deadline, you will be questioned regardless of what is or is not on your list.
  • Your BOSS-registration for the exam will be checked  – no registration, no exam!
  • Bring your Studienbuch to your exam date!


Information regarding the CLIL Exam can be found here: Zer­ti­fi­kat Bilinguales Lehren und Ler­nen.

If you have any questions or need to hand in missing signatures, please send an email to


---- The SoSe 2025 M8 oral exams will take place between September 1st - 12th, 2025! ----

The declaration of good scientific practice that you are obliged to sign and attach to any written work you submit in Applied Linguistics / ELT can be found here.

Our guidelines for written submissions in our section can be found here.

  • A compact overview over the most important aspects of these guidelines can be found here.